
Paint Tips and Tricks

To set the "Paint able" area of the screen save a file with the "Paint able" area set to 100x100. I like to name such a files "$ clean" so they are at the top of the pile.

To capture a image at or near your screen proportions.

Get the image into Paint, enlarge or shrink so it is centered and visible on your screen.

Then use a sewing thread stretch it diagonally from corner to corner of your screen. Use the paint tool "Brush" to place a dot outside the border where the string passes through the image border.

The two dots form the opposing corners of a rectangle at roughly the same proportions as your screen.

Using the rectangular "Select" tool copy the image using the dots as diagonal corners and then paste back into a new paint page.

Save it away for use as desktop screen saver.

The Mad Hacker in SC


2008-08-16 Saturday

2008-10-12 planted the Bucaloe Dectaloytes for this year. Gotta figure out how to keep it moist for 3 to 4 weeks. Maybe God will help.

2008-08-16 Painted and put my front bumper/aerator bracket on my yard tractor. Looks good. Hope it works as good as it looks.

2008-10-12 Added 1/2" in Diameter threaded rod to front of mower, to lower connection point to aerator. Worked fine.8"

2008-08-16 Lunch from Publix, h,t,bacon sub, fruit salad, macaroni salad, lemon tea. OK.



XXX Sudoku down. Sounds like a British address.

I suppose I will quit counting someday. How many crossword puzzles have I done? How many Have I written? I try writing them in Doctors waiting rooms as they rarely have one for me to work.

I am thinking of investing in a farm that raises Cadaver Dolphins. These babies can sniff out a dead body under water. There's money to be made.


SketchUp Tips and Tricks

Duplicate sequence, pick object, touch [M], touch[Ctrl.](see plus sign appear), start moving object along the desired axis, enter dimension to move object and hit [Enter].

Sketch Up for today: Punching a hole. Draw circle on surface, select "push/Pull tool", select the surface inside the circle, move into the object, enter thickness of material, this extrudes circle to opposite surface, and gives a hole.

Drew an ogee moulding, and a mitered corner. Quite a challenge. Later learned how to do this with "Follow Me' tool, it makes it child's play.

I was having trouble picking objects, I would be on an object, and pick it, but it would pick and object beyond the surface I was on. With some advice, I cut the graphics generator off, rebooted, and it behaves properly.

E-Copy Tips and Tricks

In [View All], [Ctrl] and pick images you want to print. Let [Ctrl} up. Pick and hold one the selected images and slide all of them to the [Print Icon] and they are printed.

To get that zoom to be same size as 11x17 landscape. take a black sewing thread several inches longer than the diagonal dimension of your screen, tie a not half way of its length. Determine the angle of a diagonal across a 11x17 paper by folding it diagonally. tape the string across your screen at the angle determined with the knot being at the center of the screen. . Center the area for printing on the knot, then pick the corners on the string. it will be proportional to the 11x 17 paper.
You might consider marking the points on the border of your screen with a sharpie, and only put the string on when needed.

2008-08-12 Tuesday

The Sudoku do not have a chance! I've bagged XXIX!

"Sketch Up" for today: Punching a hole.
Draw circle on a surface, select "Push/Pull tool", move into the object, enter thickness of material, this extrudes circle to opposite surface, and gives a hole...