

Well, I finally did it. I got a pluggerism published on 2/21/09 in the Greenville News, not only in Greenville but across the country and up into Canada.

I've been sending my pluggerisms since 2005.

Color, personally autographed, numbered copies are available for $32.00 plus shipping and handling.

I am available for lectures on how to do it. contact my agent, Ed Zachary.

Legal maters are being handled by Trickum, and Runn.


Tax time

Search this Blog (top of screen) for 1943 and read the chronicles of a Plugger.

Time to clean out all them files, shred everything , file them taxes, and get that money back that Uncle Sam has been holding for the last year.

Bidding has fallen off on the eBay item. Wanna buy an island?

Did a cryptoquote while eating my breakfast of Wheat-A-Bix this morning. I call it a "zero time" solution. I guessed a double letter as I was transferring the puzzle into my magic cryptoquote solver, and by the time I had typed it all in, it was all solved. Not much fun in that.

I had a Sunday Cryptoquote a few weeks back that I messed with for two weeks, and never even came close. Go figure.

Listen, the wind is rising. The leaves are a hurricane of force. Is that rain?...


Ebay bidding frenzy!

I have two bids on my item.

With all the money coming in there are some decisions to be made.

Which Cayman Island shall I buy? The one shaped like a dolphin? Yes I think so.

Do I hear "Caroline" being played by a scratch band?

Yes, yes, Captain Ron, is that you...

2008-02-15 Sunday

I set up my first eBay auction today. I will be rolling in the dough shortly.

The last adventure of purchasing an item on eBay led to me being burned. I won what I bid on, at an elevated price, and once received I choked on actually using the item.

There were no bidders but me on the item for four days until the last thirty minutes or so and then there was a fury of activity as I saw my bid go higher and higher.

I was suspicious of some kind of fraud.

Anyway that item will be my second item to put on eBay.